Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Asking the Hard Questions: Don't Skirt the Issue

I know that some people will roll their eyes when they read this and say, "It's about time!" and others will raise cries of "rebel!" and "heretic!".

Here is the question: Is it wrong for a woman to wear pants instead of a skirt?

Trust me, I've dealt with this issue for a long time and I've been on both sides of the fence! When I was about 15, I decided that I should wear skirts. And I held to this decision quite religiously. You see, I thought that since some godly people wore skirts. It must be the only option if I wanted to be godly. But the more I think about the rational behind the skirts-only doctrine, the less it makes sense to me.

I want to address a few of the arguments that I have used to support skirts-only as well as some others that I have heard.

1. The Bible instructs us to be modest
I couldn't agree more! 1 Timothy 2:9 says "Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly..." But where in the Bible does it say that a skirt is the definition of modesty? It is true that many skirts are more modest than many pairs of pants. But I've also seen many pairs of pants that are more modest than many skirts. I have asked guys about this and they say that they don't have a problem with girls in pants as long as they aren't super tight (but the same holds true of skirts). Some even said they preferred for girls to wear pants as there was less chance of showing something if you sit or move wrong.

2. Historically it was considered immodest for a woman to wear pants
Historically it was also considered immodest to show your feet or ankles. I don't see anybody arguing for women's feet and ankles to be covered at all times.

3. The Bible says that a woman should not wear men's clothing
It is absolutely true that Deuteronomy 22 says "A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God." Please note that this is part of the law of Moses. Are we as believers required to follow the law of Moses? No. We are no longer under the law.
Now let me clarify, I believe it is most glorifying to God when women dress and act like women and when men dress and act like men. But let me point something out. At the time that the Bible was written, men and women BOTH wore robes. So wouldn't it be acceptable for men to wear men's pants and women to wear women's pants?

4. Pants for women is just Satan's way of trying to make sin look acceptable
I've been told that the devil tries to deceive us into thinking that is is ok for a woman to wear men's clothes by making a women's version of them.
Let me reiterate; when the Bible was written, men and women BOTH wore robes. So I asked a skirt-only believer, "If men and women both wore robes in the Bible, how did women make sure they weren't wearing men's clothes?" Here is the answer I got, "Well, I'm sure there was a certain style of robe that was for men and a different one for women." Right...........kind of like one style of pants for men and one for women, eh? How is different styles of the same thing ok as long as it's robes, but it's a ploy of the devil if it's pants?
I also have another question. I've never heard anybody raise cain over men and women both wearing t-shirts. Maybe there are those that do, but I personally have never heard any. Why is it acceptable for men and women to both wear t-shirts (as long as the women wear them with a skirt, of course), but it's not ok for men and women to both wear pants? Why are pants "men's clothing" but t-shirts aren't?

5. Historically, pants were men's clothing
Historically voting was a man's role, but we don't say that it is wrong for women to vote. Since when did historic customs dictate moral law? Sure, it was historically unacceptable to kill people, but we don't refrain from killing people because of history, we hold to it because the Bible says that we shouldn't kill people. So if the Bible doesn't say that it's wrong for women to wear pants, why should history make it wrong?

6. Even Mormons and Muslims wear skirts (or robes, or whatever they call them)
Remind me again why I should base my lifestyle choices on the practices of cults and false religions? I've been told that Muslims would be offended if I wore pants, so I shouldn't do it. If I was ministering to Muslims, I might choose to dress like them in order to be able to build relationships more easily, but seeing as how I don't even know any Muslims, I don't know why I need to dress like them. I mean, a Hindu would be offended by the fact that I eat meat (might be great uncle Bob reincarnated, you know.), but I've never had anyone tell me that I should become a vegetarian based on that fact.

7. Skirts are distinctly feminine
I agree! And I absolutely love wearing skirts for just that reason! If someone chooses to wear skirts because they are very feminine, I have no problem with that! More power to them! But this sounds like a personal preference not a Biblical mandate. The color pink is distinctly feminine too, but that doesn't mean that we should all only wear pink.

8. You never see a man in a skirt
Have you ever seen a kilt? Seriously. Look it up.

Perhaps there is something that I'm missing. Maybe there are valid reasons that I have never heard and I am terribly mislead. But based on what I have heard and read, it seems to me that whether a woman wears pants or skirts is a personal decision. I don't see how one way is more right than the other.

If you have a different point of view, or opinion that you would like me to consider, please share! Really, I mean it. I don't promise to alter my opinion, but I do promise to be interested in hearing what you have to say.


  1. I grew up in a family business and I worked. In a greenhouse and garden center business. Try wearing a skirt working there. I think it was great to work for and with my family. It taught me a lot about work ethic and helped me to build a good relationship with my family. Even though I wear pants during the week I do try to look nice on Sundays when I am in God's house. I wear modest skirts then.

  2. I think for many women it *should* come down to personal conviction and her husband's (or father until she is married)preference, rather than what she/others think is more pious. I think very few women ask their husbands or fathers what their preference is for dress. They balk at the thought of submission (but that's another post completely). :)
    I do think for some women they are convicted to wear skirts because it is distinctly more feminine and sets them apart from the world.
    I have noticed that I am treated very differently when I wear skirts vs when I wear jeans. For example, when I buy groceries wearing a skirt I will, more often than not, have someone offer to help me out with my groceries. Or I'll have more people, more specifically men, open doors for me. I've also noticed more "yes ma'am" answers rather than "yeah" from strangers. It's been interesting for me to observe and experience. It doesn't matter whether I have the children with me or not, the only variable I have been able to identify is my outward dress. I am treated with better manners and more like a woman when I wear skirts.
    Regardless of what a woman wears, she needs to be more worried about drawing attention to her inner beauty than her outer.
    Ultimately, does it affect our salvation? No. But it can be a stumbling block for some.

    1. I agree that many women choose to wear skirts due to personal convictions and/or out of respect for their husband's wishes. I have no problem with that. In fact, I believe it is the right thing for them to do.
      The thing that I have a problem with is when people think that skirt-wearing should be universally applied as a moral standard for all women. If a woman has no personal conviction about wearing skirts and her husband has no desire for her to wear them, then there is no biblical reason for her to be compelled to wear skirts.

  3. I totally agree that pants can be modest! I think that the key is to follow God's will for you. If He is leading you to wear only skirts, wear only skirts. If He leads you to wear pants, wear pants.

  4. Hi, I don't have a active blog account that I use. (I do have one but just don't use it) That is why this comment will be "anonymous". I don't normally like anonymous comments so just in case you would like to "see" who I am you can always look me up on facebook. Faith Sabin.
    Anyways, I found you blog on YLCF.
    It sounds to me like you might just have had a bad experience souring you to the idea of "skirts only". I do wear skirts only. Long, modest, feminine skirts. BUT I was raised VERY liberal. I was raised Modesty was wearing a one piece swim suit instead of a bikini.SO I have truly been on both sides of the fence. I could say so much on the matter but will try to keep it short for now. Wearing skirts is not a "doctrine" as you suggested. Nor is there a place in the bible that says "thou shalt only where skirts". The bible say's that we are to be in the world and not of it, to be set apart. Many people don't have a chance to talk to us and see our hearts for Christ. The only witness we have to some are the way we look. I have not looked around to much on your blog yet but from what I see, If I saw you in the street I wouldn't guess you were any different then the next person. I don't think women wearing pants are going to hell or anything, but I do believe what is in our hearts will (or should) eventually be manifested on the outside. Also the argument that "if its your conviction to wear skirt's only fine, but don't push it on me" is quite weak. It's like saying well God has convicted you not to use birth control but he hasn't convicted me so my husband and I are going to use birth control and abort God's precious little gifts. I hope this was not offensive to you as that was not my intention at all. This was also written in a bit of a hurry. Blessing to you. Faith

  5. Hi, I don't have a active blog account that I use. (I do have one but just don't use it) That is why this comment will be "anonymous". I don't normally like anonymous comments so just in case you would like to "see" who I am you can always look me up on facebook. Faith Sabin.
    Anyways, I found you blog on YLCF.
    It sounds to me like you might just have had a bad experience souring you to the idea of "skirts only". I do wear skirts only. Long, modest, feminine skirts. BUT I was raised VERY liberal. I was raised Modesty was wearing a one piece swim suit instead of a bikini.SO I have truly been on both sides of the fence. I could say so much on the matter but will try to keep it short for now. Wearing skirts is not a "doctrine" as you suggested. Nor is there a place in the bible that says "thou shalt only where skirts". The bible say's that we are to be in the world and not of it, to be set apart. Many people don't have a chance to talk to us and see our hearts for Christ. The only witness we have to some are the way we look. I have not looked around to much on your blog yet but from what I see, If I saw you in the street I wouldn't guess you were any different then the next person. I don't think women wearing pants are going to hell or anything, but I do believe what is in our hearts will (or should) eventually be manifested on the outside. Also the argument that "if its your conviction to wear skirt's only fine, but don't push it on me" is quite weak. It's like saying well God has convicted you not to use birth control but he hasn't convicted me so my husband and I are going to use birth control and abort God's precious little gifts. I hope this was not offensive to you as that was not my intention at all. This was also written in a bit of a hurry. Blessing to you. Faith

    1. I do understand what you're saying, I just don't happen to agree with you. Please don't think that I am advocating just wearing whatever's out there! I am a huge advocate of modesty! I simply don't believe that modesty is limited to skirts. So in that regard, if you saw me on the street, you would see that I am dressed modestly, I would just probably be wearing modest pants instead of a modest skirt. It's true that if I wore only skirts, I would stand out more in a crowd, but people wouldn't know if I was a conservative Christian, a Mormon, a Muslim, a Pentecostal, and Amish person, or an unbeliever who happened to like wearing skirts. So just because my appearance would draw a person's attention, it wouldn't necessarily tell them what I believe. I think you've slightly misinterpreted my point, I'm not just saying "don't push your beliefs on me.", I'm saying, "If you are going to tell me that I need to do a certain thing, you need to give me a solid biblical basis for it." My decision not to wear only skirts is not a conclusion that I arrived at haphazardly. I've studied the Bible, I've examined the passages about modesty, I've evaluated arguments on both sides and I've prayed about it. I believe that wear skirts have good reasons for doing so, but I have not found any biblical mandate for it. I don't think that the question of whether or not to wear only skirts and your scenario about birth control are comparable. The issue of whether or not to use a form of birth control that takes the life of a newly conceived baby in the womb is not a matter of personal conviction, God's Word is clear that to take the life of another human being is wrong. However, the Bible does not say that a woman should only wear skirts, therefore, that is a matter of personal conviction. So if the Bible doesn't require me to wear a skirt, and I don't have any personal conviction that I should do so, then I really have no valid reason for believing that I need to wear only skirts.


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